by Miles Clark
The Patagonian winter has finally come to a close here in Bariloche. The beginning of September brought us about 3 meters of snow in a week. It was kinda insane. No, it was really insane. I´ve never seen it snow anywhere as hard as I´ve seen it snow here. Snowflakes the size of golf balls falling at rates of many inches per hour for days. Mid storm avalanches that vaporized one refugio and left debris piles 10+ meters high in places. Screaming winds the plastered snow to the Lenga forests and their dripping mosses in ways and angles that I still don´t understand.
We harvested all that we could from the big snows and got some pretty vicious perma-smiles in the process. Not long after the storms stopped, the heat came and like that, it switched from full-on nuclear winter to warm easy going springtime. As soon as that pollen laden spring air hit my nostrils, I twitched and my brain automatically switched to summer mode. I am currently undergoing my quest to salvage the remnants of the California summer. I really need to surf. I´m dying to hit my favorite cliff diving spots in the foothills. And yes, there better still be some girls in bikinis at the lake!
Here is a short pov video that shows two of the longer backcountry lines that we´ve been skiing (before the storms). The first I call ´Little AK´ off the Zebra Chutes and the second is Tage Chute´s ´Staff Party´. After those two lines is just some fun pow skiing after the big storms.
Patagonia Summer - Crush A Lot from UnofficialSquaw on Vimeo.